Sovereign Armory is a veteran-owned-and-operated, full-service gunsmith shop located in Denver, Colorado. We are committed to providing the highest quality service to our customers, at competitive prices. We provide a wide variety of services, but we specialize in firearm coatings, custom machining, polymer stippling, and laser engraving. If you require a service we’re not equipped to provide, we’re always happy to point you to some of our good friends and industry partners in the local area.



Sean is a five-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan as a UH-1N Huey crew chief, aerial gunner, and mechanic. Sean has been a dedicated Second Amendment activist for many years, and continues to promote the value of the Second Amendment and all of our civil liberties at every opportunity. It was his passion for the Second Amendment and his fascination with mechanical technology that drove his interest in Gunsmithing. In 2015, Sean left his position in the Specialty Engineering department of a prominent defense aerospace firm to pursue a more fulfilling and meaningful career. After Sean graduated from the Colorado School of Trades at the top of his class (wut wut!), he went on to provide gunsmithing services for a gun shop in the local community.

On a seemingly-endless quest for personal intellectual edification, after completing his Gunsmithing degree Sean returned to college to earn a degree in Political Science. In a country that has become increasingly divided on most issues, he sought to learn what factors cause political opponents to develop their opinions in the hopes that he may better understand their position. In his studies, Sean has seized many opportunities to meaningfully engage opponents of the Second Amendment, and has even managed to change a few minds along the way.

Sean is currently a member of the Second Amendment Foundation and the Firearms Policy Coalition, two organizations that are truly dedicated to the defense and advancement of the Second Amendment rights of all people. If you would like to learn more about these organizations and what they do to protect our rights, please click on their logos.

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.